Bicycle course for migrant women in Dresden started!

After some ups and downs, construction work, lockdowns, as well as difficult weather, our bicycle course could finally start again at the beginning of April! Every Thursday from 10:00-13:00, our volunteers teach the basics of cycling in a mixture of theory and practice. The course is exclusively for women. The location is the Abenteuerpielplatz (adventure playground) in Johannstadt. Of course, we will provide bikes and helmets! Why all this? Migrant women are still often unable to ride a bicycle from a practical and technical point of view. However, independence and mobility are important factors for successful integration and the bicycle is the most sustainable form of transportation. Our project „Freude am Fahren“ („The Joy of Riding“) therefore aims to establish a long-term bicycle course in the Johannstadt neighborhood of Dresden that will teach female migrants the skills they need to survive in traffic. In addition to improving their own mobility, the participants‘ social environment is also to be sensitized, which means that the project will have a lasting impact on the entire area. The best thing is, there are still places available! If you are interested, please register in advance. Just send a mail to:
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