Even though the Corona shutdown severely limited the work of our project, we kept going. So, corona has not lead to a stalemate. The opposite is true: We have tried many new types of volunteer work, which have proven to be successful.
In Dresden, for example, the Math and German tutoring took place via WhatsApp and the . Here, (old) plastic bags were „converted“ into decorative leaves, while the Upcycling project was also organised online. Hereby, old plastic bags were “ transformed“ into decorative leaves, while the whole thing was broadcasted via Facebook livestream. This enabled everyone to participate in our events in Johannstadt from home, for the very first time.
Nevertheless, all this has only been half as nice as the work or the ‚getting together‘ on our premises. Indeed, everyone was especially happy when we could finally open again. For the time being, it’s still only a small group, but even that’s better than not seeing each other „live“ at all. The best thing about this: Our project didn’t only continue with old volunteers. New ones joined us as well!