One of the many offers you can find on the premises of Wir Sind Paten is our Kita Beratung or else Kindergarten Consultation. Kita Beratung is organised by Outlaw gGmbH in cooperation with Wir Sind Paten, part of the Soziale Dieste und Jugendhilfe gGmbH. It is led by Muhannad, a student and volunteer at Wir Sind Paten.
But, what is Kita Beratung exactly and why do we offer it?
Kita Beratung involves assisting parents with finding a place for their children in a kindergarten in Leipzig. According to Muhannad, finding a place for your child can be quite challenging due to the limited amount of places and therefore, registering your child as soon as possible- preferably right after it is born- can be of paramount importance for securing a place. Especially for those new to Germany, who are not familiar with the procedure or the German language, trying to figure all this out without help may seem impossible.
How can we help?
Luckily, Muhannad has all the answers to your questions and is always prepared to help, even with the most complicated tasks. Muhannad has been in charge of the Kita Beratung since July 2019 and he has, thus, gathered a lot of experience on the subject and the difficulties that parents face, so that he deals with questions around kindergarten consultation swiftly and competently.
Muhannad knows his way around the application procedure and assists parents at every step of the way. He is proficient in German, Arabic and English and as a result, no communication problems arise. Although the application portal for Kitas is exclusively in German, Muhannad is always at your disposal to translate and explain any unknown terms. In addition to helping with the application, he says that parents are always welcome to contact him again, for example regarding the forms that need to be filled in following the application over the portal, such as the Jobcenter form, the Kita contract or the meal form. Muhannad is also able to help in case parents face any other complications or receive a rejection letter. What is more, Muhannad also informs parents on the alternatives of Kindergarten, for example the Tagespflege (daycare), and makes all the necessary calls on your behalf.
When, where and how can you find us?
If you are a parent and have difficulties finding a place in a Kita for your child, swing by on a Monday, anytime between 10:00 a.m. to 14:00 p.m. at the Zschochersche Str. 50 in Leipzig to find out more! You can also call us at 0341 58150114.
We look forward to meeting and assisting you!