„Mahnwache und Stolperstein-Putzen“ in Leipzig

With our „Wir sind Paten“ project, we always participate in a wide variety of events and action weeks at the individual locations, such as the nationwide „International Weeks against Racism“. But we are also involved in individual action days, which our people of Wir sind Paten Leipzig or their volunteers and mentees attend.

For the second year in a row, they participated in the action „Mahnwache und Stolperstein Putzen“ in memory of the victims of the „Reichspogromnacht“ on 9th November 1938. For this purpose they met on Friday, November 8, 2019 at 4 p.m. at the „Stolperstein“ in Karl-Heine-Strasse 47 to lay down flowers together and to commemorate the political scientist and businessman Georg Rosenbaum. Afterwards, they went together to our meeting office in Leipzig. There, the participants had the opportunity to exchange further information about the events, which now go more than 90 years back, so that they will remain alive in our memories and a warning example.

By the way, this time the commemoration ceremony took place one day before November 9th, as it fell on Shabbat.

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