Opportunity mentoring: A computer course

In our project „Wir sind Paten“, a computer course takes place once a week in Dresden, every Sunday late in the evening. It was made possible by Souhel Ayoub, a mentor who is an IT specialist. Among other things, he explains to his mentees how to use Open Office, Word and shows them the basics of internet research. But he also imparts more detailed knowledge to his students. For example, the general handling of the operating system, or what to do in case of possible malfunctions of Windows, and how to adjust the specifications of the respective device.

Even if the course is already well attended, a few more people could participate. Of course, the application language is German, although basic things are (must be) explained in Arabic. Interestingly, this computer course can only take place because we – the Soziale Dienste und Jugendhilfe gGmbH – are supported by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth with our project „Wir sind Paten“ from their program „Menschen stärken Menschen“.

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