Opportunity sponsorships enable more education


An opportunity is understood as a fortunate chance or the prospect of success. An opportunity sponsorship therefore includes everything that has to do with education and is aimed at improving young people’s chances on the labor market in the long term, i.e. giving them a prospect of professional success.

To provide this long-term support for mentees, we have created a broad range of programs at many of our locations, which are always managed on a voluntary basis by our mentors, the keyword here is group sponsorships. In addition to homework help for elementary school children and focused tutoring in the subjects of Math, German, English and French, mentors and other volunteers also help with all concerns such as job searches, bureaucratic matters or career orientation as part of the „We’re here to help“ program.

In addition to the group sponsorships, we also arrange 1:1 sponsorships and small group sponsorships, in which a much more individualized support is possible.

In this case, one mentor looks after several children, for example, when a mentor gives math tutoring to three students in a 7th grade class. But also in our group offers we create a personal support through the sponsorship system. Even if the students are learning in a larger group, there are always several mentors present during the tutoring sessions instead of just one teacher. Normally, the same tandem is paired up every week and they learn together for a longer period of time. And this happens not only in our mentoring offices, but sometimes also online or when they meet privately.

All in all, opportunity sponsorships do not only show the advantages of a long-term sponsorship, but also the diversity of the engagement that is possible at Wir sind Paten.

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