Always on the lookout for new mentors

We present our project „Wir sind Paten“ at every opportunity, because we are always looking for people who enjoy helping others. Moreover, we certainly want to report about our work as transparently as possible. Exactly for these reasons it was obvious to us that we just had to take part in the „Peace Festival of the Children of Abraham“ in the New Town Hall in Dresden, and so we were not only there on the day, but we also took part in the planning of the whole event. By the way, the peace festival took place in celebration of the Islamic-Jewish New Year 2019. However, the evening did not merely include a celebration, but also an information market where we introduced ourselves.

It was wonderful to present ourselves at a double stand this time. The project leader of our Islamic Welfare Work in Saxony was there, too. On the one hand, she presented her work to those interested, and on the other hand, she worked on creating networks with the aim of establishing new contacts that would benefit the mosque communities participating in our project. Therefore, it was a successful day all around. Incidentally, this also applied to the stage programme, so that we can only hope that the festival will take place again next year, and, of course, that we can be there again.

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