June at Wir sind Paten Leverkusen

The easing of lockdown measures has made many events possible again. This applies to us in Leverkusen as well. So, we were finally able to meet with each other in person again, while still holding online events. Here, we would like to give you a brief insight into the work we did in June.

In the online area, one workshop in particular is worthy of mention, which focused on the following question: How can volunteer work become more and more professional? The question of how volunteers can contribute with their personal skills was particularly addressed, but  the advantages of volunteering for the volunteers themselves was also a topic. For example, volunteering is usually a basic requirement for scholarships and, above all, helping other people simply makes you feel good!

Primarily, it was delightful to finally meet the people directly again. The main focus was on our premises in Leverkusen. Many people received advice and many potential godparents and mentees received help and information and were cared for, while many tandems were arranged as well. It goes without saying that we are always there for our godparents and mentees to help them with advice and support!

Another positive piece of news: We were  able to hold face-to-face events at our place once more. A topic of one of the events was, for example, the voluntary work in the area of everyday support for old people. It became clear that many potential godparents also want to help older people, but often shy away from the higher responsibility in this area of volunteer work. Therefore, in the end it was not disadvantageous at all that we could only work in small groups as a result of the infection protection law. This way the participants had the opportunity to exchange information directly and to openly discuss  questions.

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