From the application
to the interview
Application is advertising about yourself
We regularly hold the information event From Application to Interview at several of our locations. One thing becomes abundantly clear time and again: There is generally a great general lack of knowledge about the application process in Germany.
The difficulties often start at the very beginning of an application process with the question: „Where can I even find suitable job offers for me?“ This is followed by questions such as: „What is actually a cover letter?“, „What should be included the CV?“ and „What can I expect in the interview?“
To answer these and other questions, our trainer always gives an overview of the entire application process at the beginning of the event. Questions such as: „Do I need an application photo in my application? What are the arguments for and against it?“ or „Do I still submit my application in writing or is an online application sufficient nowadays?” Afterwards, the participants have the opportunity to ask their questions and receive support or further explanations and assistance from our trainers for the applications they have presented.

We also offer regular events at almost every one of our locations, at which we help the participants in a more specific way with their application process and write CVs and suitable cover letters together with them. This is done particularly because a company is more likely to take notice of one’s own application with a formally correct CV and a meaningful cover letter. Therefore, our goal is to support the participants in preparing their application documents and to give them an overview of the application “maze”.