We announce with great pleasure that we completed our project Vielfältig schön – Weibliche Lebensentwürfe im Portrait mid-November 2021 extremely successfully. The project’s execution was originally planned for 2020 but had to pause due to the Covid restrictions.
The project was a biographical photo project from a female perspective, that was financially supported by the Robert Bosch Stiftung. The concept originated from a transfer of ideas within the framework of the “Werkstatt Vielfalt”, a project in which successful project ideas are passed on within the programme in order to implement them at another location.
The project was aimed at young Muslim women in Leipzig who were to meet women of different origins and different ages to portray them. To enable these women to do so, there were workshops and trainings about diversity, interviewing and portrait photography.
The aim of the project was to facilitate the exchange of ideas between the participants and women of other generations, social classes and cultures. They were to share their experiences on topics such as migration, life, profession, religion and gender roles. The collected material was than written down and illustrated in order to present it in an exhibition together with the portrayed women.
This exhibition took place mid-November 2021 in the assembly hall of the Volkshochschule Leipzig and was a great success. More details about this event can be found here: