Now also in Dresden: For me, us and everyone

Since 15 May 2020, our project has also been running in Dresden, with a focus on the area of „Altstadt“. Here, too, the aim is the same as with our model project in Leipzig: We want to support women, especially Muslim women, in realising their own project ideas.

It does not matter what the women want to do exactly. What is important is that they have the wish to create something of their own. The most important unanswered questions they often ask at the beginning is: How can I do that, and, above all, who will help me? Our project provides an answer to these exact questions. This is because we not only help the women via the approach of learning by doing from the project idea to the concrete implementation, but also bring them together with other (socio-cultural) actors. What is more, their projects are intended to last in the long term and thus, should also, ideally, be carried out in cooperation. Moreover, there are plans to hand over the resulting projects to local actors and institutions at the end of the project, but only if the women themselves want that as well.

The five-month project in Dresden-Altstadt is kindly supported by the Cellex Foundation, more specifically, from its Small Projects Fund for Saxony.

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