It’s starting now : Workshop start in Dresden

The project „For me, us and everyone“ has also been running in Dresden since May 2020. The goal is the same as in Leipzig: Women, especially Muslim women, are to be supported in realising their own projects.

The kick-off workshops for launching the project in Dresden finally took place on 22 and 29 August. We say ‚finally‘ because the workshops could not take place as planned at the beginning of the project due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting restrictions. The fact that the event could now take place, made it even more special. After a round of getting to know each other, the participants talked about their expectations and wishes for the project. Among other things, they mentioned the creation of a common framework and networking among themselves. Be it sports, childcare or reading, learning and progressing together. 

The workshops were intended to give the participants exactly the tools they need to implement their own projects and to introduce them to the basics of project management. Important questions that were answered in the workshops were:

– What is a project and what exactly is project management?

– What processes does the implementation of a project involve?

– How are the goals of a project formulated?

The participants looked for solutions and answers together, which worked very well. Thus, all of them made a significant step forward on the way from the project idea to the actual final realisation.

At the end of the workshop, the women presented their projects to each other again according to the newly learned planning and implementation processes. A total of ten project ideas came together, and some projects – thanks to the project manager Khurshedai Homid – have already started. We are already excited about the further realisation of the various project ideas!

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